
Beautiful Butt Deadly

By |January 20th, 2023|

Understanding the Risks of the Brazilian Butt Lift. In this blog, we'll cover: • What a Brazilian Butt Lift is • What the BBL surgery entails • The risks involved with the procedure • Alternative aesthetic procedures to consider for similar results. The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is has been a trendy aesthetic procedure that, if done correctly, produces volume in the buttocks area through surgical fat grafting. Although this surgery has been popularized among celebrities and influencers, its associated complications and high death rates are less often discussed. Which begs the question: Is a rounder rear worth the butt lift risks?

Comparing Nonsurgical Fat Loss Options

By |January 13th, 2023|

To Lose Fat Without Going Under the Knife... In this blog, we'll cover: • Popular nonsurgical fat loss methods • The benefits of non surgical fat / weight loss • The risks that may arise and how to avoid them • Certain considerations to understand if non-invasive fat loss is right for you. Fat loss is a common goal for many people, but undergoing weight loss surgery can also mean incisions, anesthesia, and a lengthy recovery. Fortunately, there are A LOT nonsurgical fat loss options today that can help people shed excess pounds and improve their overall health and confidence.

Feeding Your Skin

By |January 6th, 2023|

Diets are common, and there are many of them! Diets usually serve the intention of slimming down, toning up, or altering the body’s in some way. However, one crucial side effect to consider with any diet is its effect on the body’s largest organ – the skin, while also keeping in mind that our skin is able to tell us what we should change about our lifestyles to ensure optimal health.

Hair Loss in Women… And How You Can Fight It!

By |December 16th, 2022|

In this blog, we'll go over why women experience hair loss and how treatments like Plasma-Rich Platelet Therapy can improve hair loss symptoms. While hair loss is often considered to be an issue faced by men, women are also susceptible for a variety of factors. Women also tend to experience hair loss for entirely different reasons than men. So why does hair loss in women occur, and what can be done to treat it?

Helping and Healing Male Hair Loss

By |December 9th, 2022|

Can PRP Therapy Give You Healthy Hair Growth? In this blog, we’ll cover why hair loss occurs, what Plasma-Rich Platelet Therapy is and how it may be able to help you! Hair is an important physical characteristic, and many people use it to express themselves, embrace their individuality, and personalize their appearance. Unfortunately, male hair loss can be painful for those experiencing it, who often feel unable to fight back against its effects. Not only can hair loss, especially against one’s will, damage confidence, but hair loss can also be a sign of physical health issues.

The Best Foods For Your Skin Health

By |November 25th, 2022|

We hear many claims about which foods to avoid for clear, youthful, and healthy skin. But what foods and nutritional components can help improve our skin's health and appearance? On The Skin Report podcast, Dr. Simran Sethi, an Internal Medicine doctor and the Founder and Medical Director of RenewMD medical spas, discusses science-backed facts about how nutrition plays an essential role in the health of our skin. While certain foods can cause adverse effects on the skin, consuming nutritious foods can positively impact your skin's health from the inside out!

The Basics of Botox

By |November 11th, 2022|

Botox has been a popular anti-aging treatment since the nineties when it was commonly used amongst the famous. Since then, Botox has grown in popularity, and today more people are turning to this treatment to help them maintain a youthful appearance. But what even is Botox, and how does it affect the skin on a scientific level?

Tough Treatments to Manage Melasma

By |October 28th, 2022|

Melasma can be tricky to manage, especially considering how little research exists on it, even though it’s a common skin condition. If your melasma has become stubborn and resistant to your skincare routine, you may want to consider implementing stronger skin treatments to target affected areas.

What is a Med Spa?

By |August 12th, 2022|

If you want a relaxing day with cucumber slices over your eyes, you visit a spa. If you want to identify a skin abnormality or concern on your body, you visit a dermatologist's office. But, on what occasion, you may visit a med spa. But, what is a medi spa? Well, to put it simply: A medical spa is a mix between a dermatologist’s office and a skin and body spa, with the difference being that a medical spa offers non-invasive, innovative laser treatments to treat and heal skin.

Contoured & Confident: Body-Prep for Your Next Event

By |July 29th, 2022|

Special events often involve dressing up, taking photos, and making memories with loved ones. These occasions sometimes make us feel overly conscious of how we look. It is all too normal to wish our clothing fit differently or that we had stayed more active to achieve a perfect body before a big event. Of course, there is no “perfect body,” and all bodies are beautiful. However, there are methods you can take to help you target your stubborn areas of fat and sculpt your figure so that you can feel contoured and confident on your big day.

How Lip Fillers Really Work!

By |February 2nd, 2022|

Here are some common reasons why we recommend lip fillers, and how they work! • THE MAIN REASON lips begin to thin and flatten out with age is due to a depletion of collagen. Yes, sadly our lips lose collagen as well • Lip fillers can change, not only the shape and definition of your lips, but they can also be a useful tool for long term hydration, smile correction, and controlled muscle activity

Gain Muscle, Reduce Fat: EmSculpt NEO with SculpSure

By |January 7th, 2022|

Welcome to 20-20-YOU! At RenewMD, we live by the standard that your body is yours and yours only, and when you want to do something that makes you feel confident, beautiful, handsome, and happy - then go for it…as long as you’re going to a reputable and safe medical spa provider! We have added Emsculpt NEO to our growing non-surgical services. Emsculpt NEO is FDA-cleared and the first and ONLY non-invasive body-shaping procedure that provides MUSCLE building with simultaneous fat elimination in a combined 30-minute session.

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